Paul Mullin Jr. is the Democratic Nominee for the Office of the Treasurer in the City of Petersburg. He is a competent, transparent, and principled leader. Originally from Harlem, New York, Paul relocated to the City of Petersburg in 2008. His family purchased their first home on Harding Street and later moved to the neighborhood of Berkley Manor. With two Children in Petersburg City Schools (Walnut Hill Elementary) and one attending Appomattox Governor’s School, Paul wants his children to have all of the same privileges as those in neighboring localities -- safe, clean neighborhoods, and well-funded schools. He has listened to the concerns of residents, who have even greater needs-- needs that can only be addressed by a well funded government. Simply stated, if the revenue is not collected efficiently and according to the code of Virginia Petersburg will never meet its full potential.
As a resident of Petersburg, he strives to make a positive impact in his community. Since this time, Paul has built a career with over 20 years of Managerial Customer Service experience in the public and private sectors and over 10 years of Local Municipal Collections. In 2005, he began his collections career in third party private collections and transitioned to the public sector in 2008. His passion for public service began in 1996 when he served as an aid to Vice President Al Gore’s Presidential Campaign. In 2012 he was provided the opportunity to serve as a Deputy Treasurer for the City of Petersburg’s severely understaffed collections office. Paul’s progressive thinking in his role led to the City Council’s vote on June 11, 2018 to eliminate the Vehicle City Decal requirement. This action ultimately, reduced the cost and aided more efficient revenue collections. In January 2020, he was tapped to serve as the Program and Operations Manager for the City of Richmond’s City’s Treasury Department where he revitalized the city’s cash operations and delinquent collections department -- a task that had not been completed in almost two years. He also assisted the City of Richmond in producing an on time CAFR in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. While City Treasurer is an elected position, constituents must elect a candidate who has the experience to serve them in the manner they deserve.
Paul is a Certified Treasury Professional, and a Member of the Treasurer’s Association of Virginia in Good Standing since 2012. Paul attended Baruch College in New York with a Major in Accounting and has a Bachelor Degree in Commissioner’s Science through Commissioner’s College. He serves as the Scoutmaster to Boy Scout Troop 100 out of Gilfield Baptist Church and a Unit Commissioner through the Boy Scouts of America’s Crater District.
“Constitutional offices like the Treasurer’s Office were established to protect the voice of the Citizens. This right has been ripped from the people of Petersburg due to an unprepared and unprincipled leadership. The taxpayers of Petersburg deserve better. I am running for office to bring back the Trust.”